【篇一:商务英语阅读(第二版) 王关富
unit2the_world_economic_forum 课后答案】hanged global reality
1. answer the questions on the text:
1) what are the features of the two major economies that the world has seen formore than 200 years?
one has dominated technological innovation and trade and amassed great wealth. the second—much of it politically under the thumb of the first—has remained poor and technologically dependent.
2) how much did low-and-middle-income countries contribute to world growth in 2010?
almost half (46%)
3) taking a long term view, why is it good news that developing countries are growing fast?
as billions of poor people become more prosperous, they will be able to afford comforts their counterparts in the rich world have long considered the normal appurtenances of life.
4) what are the worst-case scenarios that europe has so far avoided?
a collapse of the euro, a debt crisis that spills from small economies such as greece and ireland to much bigger ones like italy and spain, and bitter social uest in those nations that are having to massage wages down while cutting public budgets.
5) why does jim walker think that 2011 will be a “year of reckoning”?
because jim walker thinks that the rebound in the us is a mirage created by excessive stimulus. he expects the us to slip into the double dip it dodged in 2010.
6) why has the private-sector debt crisis of 2008-2009 morphed into a public-sector debt crisis in 2010-11?
it has been the result of the debt and deficits amassed in the process of stimulating economies and bailing out banks during the downturn.
7) what are the risks that emerging economies face? a. sharp rise in inflation b. rising oil prices c. soaring food price
8) what did china and india do to cope with inflation and rising food prices? china raised the reserve-requirement ratio;
india resorted to diplomatic means when pakistan temporarily cut off some exports of onions to the country.
9) how can the disaffection with global capitalism in the developed world be prevented from turning into a backlash against it?
it would help if there were mechanisms in place to manage the stresses in the international economy.
10) what is the most serious division between countries that policymakers have to contend with?
economic disparity
2. fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the list
given below:
1) the search for the child sharply today, with almost a third of the volunteers heading home.
2) the former federal reserve chairman says there is a risk
that the us coulda recession by year’s end.
3) the ceo of the firm said that they would traditional labor-intensive products 4) in the aftermath of the financial crisis the group some of its ambitious regional expansion plans.
5) toyota motor corp. is offering widespread job buyouts to its us workers for the first time and cutting the workweek at some of its american plants by 10% to falling sales.
6) eventually, it must a system that functions on stability, or it will fail and cause an unstoppable breakdown and widespread hardship.
7) unfortunately most of the central banks in the world today are still firmly politicians.
8) the stock market’s endurance could depend heavily on whether economic and corporate performance remains uncertain, or begins indicating that the economy truly is 9) survivors were encouraged to talk about their horrible experiences to help them 10) other countries—notably australia—have also avoided a bust in their housing markets, and have instead seen prices increases
3. match the terms in column a with the explanations in column b:
1)double-dip recessiona) a physical substance, such as food, grains, and metals,
which is interchangeable with another product of the same type, and which investors buy or sell, usually through future contracts
2) credit ratingb) a measure that examines the weighted average of
prices of foodstuffs, often used as an important factor to assess the cost of living. 3)austerity c) a government policy
of deficit-cutting, lower spending,
and a reduction in the amount of benefits and public services provided, sometimes coupled with increases reserves each commercial bank must hold to customer deposits and notes.
5)protective tariff e) the part of the economy that is not state controlled,
and is run by individuals and companies for profit. 6)beggar thy neighbor f) an expression in economics describing policy that
seeks benefits for one country at the expense of others. such policies attempt to remedy the economic problems in one country by means which tend to worsen the problems of other countries.
7) commodity g) a published ranking based on detailed financial
analysis by a credit bureau, of one’s financi al history, specifically as it relates to one’s ability to meet debt
obligations. 8)sovereign-debt crisis h) a crisis in which a national government owes so much
debt that it is unable to repay or on the edge of
bankruptcy. 9)food-price indexi) a tariff which tries to ban imports to stop them
competing with local products 10)reserve requirement j) a situation where economic growth slides back to
negative after a short-lived growth and the economy may move into a deeper and longer downturn. 4. translate the following into chinese:
星期五,世界上20个主要经济体的领导人结束了在这座东北亚首 都城市举行的为期两天的峰会。各国争论不休,然而却没有就避免
济的努力未能成功。 20国集团成员国突然拒绝支持美国迫使中国提高币值的尝试,延续了这场痛苦的争端,很多人认为争端最终会导
5. fill in each of the following gaps with one of the sentences given below:
1) this week the imf predicted that global gdp should expand by 4.8% this year.
2) most obviously, there is the gap between the vitality of the big emerging economies, some of which have been sprinting along at close to 10%, and the sluggishness of many rich ones.
3) poor countries, especially young ones, ought in theory to invest more than they save, and so be a net source of demand for richer, older ones, all the more so when the latter are in bad shape.
4) rich countries are planning tax rises and spending cuts worth 1.25% of their collective gdp in 2011, the biggest synchronised fiscal tightening on record.
5) even in america the ageing of the baby-boomers points to a slower-growing workforce.
supplementary reading the survival of the safest
1. which of the following is an important reason for the american economy’s persistent weakness?
a. new risks
b. damage to morale∨ c. distrust in one another
d. john maynard keynes’ theory
2. according to the passage, the book “why wages don’t fall during a recession” focuses on:
a. the recession of 1999 b. the recession of 1990-1999 c. the recession of 1990-1991∨ d. the recession of 2008-now
3. what is unusual about the market for labor compared with other productive factors?
a. for other productive factors such as wheat, the price usually drops until the excess supply is mostly gone.
b. excess supply of labor shows up as unemployment. c. unlike factors of productions such as wheat or trucks, human beings don’t have morale issues.
d. for labor market, excess supply can be prominent and persistent. ∨
4. a. they are concerned about both the emotional and physical state of their core employees.
b. they are concerned about the emotional state of their core employees ∨
c. they are concerned about the physical state of their core employees
d. they are concerned about the emotional state of all their employees
5. the underlined part in the sentence “…they sentimentality…”means:
a. become hard-hearted ∨ b. wrap themselves with steel. c. be equipped with steel d. fight against
6. why do managers often lay off more people than necessary?
a. to ensure that th ey don’t have to repeat the ordeal anytime soon. ∨
b. to ensure that the remaining workers work harder. c. to cut down cost
d. because the remaining workers want to take extra work. 7. which of the following is true according to the passage? a. the laid-off employees can directly “poison the atmosphere” in their former workplaces.
b. the laid-off employees can never “poison the atmosphere” in their former workplaces once they get fired.
c. the laid-off employees can indirectly “poison the atmosphere” in their
former workplaces. ∨
d. the laid-off employees are forbidden to get in touch with those remaining employees.
8. which of the following will employees who stay employed not experience?
a. survivor’s guilt b. pain
c. empathy with the less fortunate d. extravagant vocations ∨
9. which of the following is not a consequence of the reticence of employees?
a. preserving jobs in one’s own company ∨ b. working against job growth elsewhere.
c. resulting in a loss of vigor in the aggregate economy. d. leading to the sapping of creativity.
10. the author suggests that the current unemployment may
be solved by:
a. inspiring creativity in private sector. 【篇二:商务英语翻译课后习题答案】
内容和结论载入备忘录。每方与会人员不得超过5人,费用自理。 2)如果合同一方未能在合同规定的时限内履行合同义务,并在收到
交流,为进一步技术合作奠定基础。双方的会晤轮流在两国举行。 讨论的内容和结论载入备忘录。每方与会人员不得超过5人,费用
1)①仅进去年一年时间,美元升值已经超过10%,这与1997年 至1998年的亚洲金融危机期间的升值幅度差不多。②美国经济的 减速很可能更加支持人们对美元的信心。
2)①汇率变动对于进口价格的影响取决于国内市场需求的强度。 ②事实上,今年美国的出口已经有显著增长,长期以来首次超过了
1)当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的, 在履行义务或者采取补救措施后,对方还有其他损失的,应当赔偿
2)对发行机构本身业务需要发行债券的,所筹资金必须按批准的 用途使用,债券本息的偿还自行负责。
贸易总协定规定的范围扩大到服务贸易、知识产权和投资贸易。 1)对不包括在合同中的工程或业主签订的其他与合同工程有关的 辅助合同项目,承包人按业主的要求,为业主雇佣的其他承包人及
3)所有在既是承包人又是业主的工地上发现的化石、钱币、有价 物品或古代文物、建筑物和其他具有地质或考古价值的遗迹、物品
1)在合同签字后12年内,买方不得全部或部分地披露按本合同 所获得的专有技术、技术资料和其他情况。但买方有权将上述内容
2)若由卖方负责消除缺陷,买方应按卖方要求,向卖方提供必需 的人员、安装工具和吊车等。由此而产生的费用由卖方负担。消
2) b方应确保在建造期间,c方可以免去下述税费,即免除各种设备和材料的进口关税、国税及地税,如发电设备、施工设备、车辆(包括小汽车、吉普车等)、工具、建筑材料以及其他物品和生活设施。
1、9月28日,该公司股票首次在东京证券交易所挂牌上市。 2、出售期货合约的出售者被认为是处在市场空头。 3、期货交易只能在政府管理的交易所内进行。
4、清算所将每个交易所清算成员各自的净结算额通知他们。 5、如果你卖空而期货价格上升,你就赔钱。 6、外汇期货是金融期货的一种。
7、直到期货合约到期之时,期货价格才稳定。 8、保证金也给了交易商以极大的财务杠杆的便利。
它们的价格,它只提供一个集中的地方以供其成员买卖证券。 1)(人民币的)汇率并轨是(中国)外贸、金融、物价改革迈出的很大一步。汇率并轨极大有利于促进出口,帮助平衡国家财政收支,刺激外商直接投资,而不会对国内经济产生巨大的冲击。
果需要改变资金用途,发行机构应事先取得管汇部门的同意。 1)为了让外国游客和商人能方便地支付在中国的费用和以及让国 民试用这种世界流行的信用工具,中国银行一直在努力向客户推介
2)信用卡能使持卡人通过赊账的方式获得商品和服务。信用卡由 零售商店、银行或信用卡公司发放给经过批准的客户。银行或信用
4)除此以外,中国银行还开办了用外汇计值的长城金卡,它是专 门为国际旅游者设计的。因为该卡已加入了万事达和维萨两大国际
1、当时,银行的规定对小额零星存款和短期存款的利率有限制。 但是资金市场互助基金却使个体投资者能够参与国
3、自去年以来,高利率帮助存货急剧减少。首先,因为高利率使 借款购货变得昂贵;其次,因为当货币市场有高利可图时,人们
2)出口配额是出口国政府允许出口的某种或某类商品的数量。出 口配额的目的是保护如糖,水泥和木材等这类商品在国内的供应。 出口配额也可用作抬高如石油,战略金属等商品的国际市场的价格,以保护输出国自然资源。配额一词通常指进口配额。在实际操作中,配额通常指进口配额,虽然有些不够准确。当出口方谈及出口配额时,一般指进口国的进口配额。
3)法律环境对企业来说是指东道国与商业有关的法律法规。了解 这些法律和法规,同时调整自己的行为以适应东道国的法律环境, 对公司都非常重要。
1)所得税建立在净收入的基础上,是从毛收入中扣除某些项目后 所剩余的部分。可扣除的项目和使用的税率由法律规定,个人所得
2)社会保险税是联邦政府征收的薪金税,此项税收为老年救济金 和失业救济金的社会义务保险计划提供资金。税款来自雇员和雇主,并根据雇员的收入征税。不能因为所得税也是一种收益税而将其与
3)销售税是按固定的比率对商品零售价格征收的税。在一些州或 城市,食品及药品一类的商品和服务都是免税的,但在其他地方却
已经多年了。edi使企业能够在计算机系统之间交换结构化的信息 (订单、发票等)而无须人工参与。信息通常在专用的增值网络(vans)上传送,vans为用户提供存储和接收邮件的服务。
chapter one parts and formats of business letters 1. use the following information to type a letter: human resources, global securities
world financial center, north tower - 250 vesey street new york, ny 10281-1332 july 20, 2007
professor lyndon kenton
business department, university of tennessee kronxwille, tennessee 37916 dear professor lyndon kenton,
we are considering joanne tucker for our analyst training program at global securities. she is a promising candidate, and we need more detailed information about her education and your opinion of her ability to handle the rigors of training. ms. tucker submitted your name not only as her professor but also as her faculty advisor.
in addition to the long hours involved in training, candidates must have a sound, logical approach to problem solving. we are looking for people who are not afraid to express their ideas and who exude confidence in their manner and deed. the job of financial analyst requires not only technical knowledge of the market but also extensive people skills, and we appreciate any information about joanne tucker that will help guide our decision.
we need your letter of recommendation no later than may 30, but would appreciate it earlier, if convenient. your evaluation
will be kept strictly confidential in accordance with our governing by-laws. thank you for your time on ms. tuckers behalf.
sincerely yours, sandra blackmon
2. read the following passage, list the main points and then discuss about it.
chapter two sales letters
1. translate the following sales letter into chinese: 尊敬的顾客:
2. translate the following sentences from chinese into english: 1) would you like to increase your turnover without tying up additional capital? then why not add our line of products to your range of carpets? there are very few quality products which show such excellent profits without tying up capital in stock.
2) dont move to the moon if you need more space. let us show you how to make the most of the space youve got!
3) let our company take the whole problem off your shoulders and advise you on the correct safety equipment for your particular operation. our experts are only too eager to serve you and we have a complete range of safety equipment for every industrial situation. remember - accidents increase production costs, lower morale, waste time and materials. its good business to get good safety equipment for your employees. our brand is the best.
4) dont delay. act now. just fill in the bottom portion of this letter and return it to us in the enclosed envelope. we will do the rest.
1. read the following article and present your own opinion:(答案略)
chapter three inquiries
1. link the sentences in column a with those in column b 1. e) 2. a) 3. f) 4. b) 5. d) 6. c)
2. please translate the following inquiry letter into english: would you provide us with information regarding your hd_340 portable printer? we are interested in
purchasing 34 lightweight printers that our account representatives can use with their toshiba 1200xe notebook
computers whey they travel. specifically, i would like answers to the following questions:
1. is it a laser printer?
2. is it battery-operated? since we wish to use the printer for
traveling, such a feature is important.
3. does it come with at least a one-year warranty?
we would appreciate your faxing us the information we need to make a purchase decision (fax: 010-********).
3. letter writing: gentlemen:
the japanese embassy in beijing has recommended you as one of the largest producers of mp4; we wish to know if you have ready stock for export.
our company is one of the largest mp4 dealers in our city, where mp4 is very popular and we have branches in five neighbouring towns. we feel that we will be able to market your goods where they will command immediate sales. with the rising living standard of the chinese people and more and more young people pursuing fashion, the demand for this item is growing rapidly. if your prices are competitive and product quality satisfactory, substantial orders will most likely follow. we would also appreciate it if you could give special discounts on sizable orders.
please send us your catalogue with export prices, terms of payment and delivery guarantee, together with possible samples.
we look forward to hearing from you soon. sincerely yours,
chapter four reply to inquiries
1. translate the following terms into english: 分销商 distributor 代理人 representative 老客户 regular customer 商品目录 catalogue
现金折扣 cash discount 贸易条款条件 trade terms and conditions
业务往来行 correspondent bank资信 credit standing /
financial standing
小册子 brochure保质期 warranty
2. translate the following sentences into english:
1) thank you for your inquiry of march 1 in which you asked about the classroom desks that we manufacture.
2) we have pleasure in enclosing a copy of our illustrated catalogue and price list. as you will be able to see from the catalogue, we produce a large quantity of shoes and these are modern in style and popular. we shall also airmail you sample pairs so that you can see for yourselves that they are very well made. the prices that we quote are very competitive, and we shall be pleased to allow you a 5% discount on any order worth more than $300.
3) because i cannot answer your specific questions, i have forwarded your inquiry to michael wang, engineering assistant in the development group. he should be able to answer the questions you have raised. you should be hearing from him shortly.
4) we would like to point out that we have been exporting shoes to the usa for five years and that all our customers there have been very satisfied with our products. we now look forward to receiving your order.
5) i regret that we cannot assist you at this time but look forward to being of help in the future.
3. letter writing: 参考回函: dear sirs,
we thank you for your letter of 5 april and appreciate your interest in our products.
please find enclosed our catalogue and price list, as well as
details of our trade discounts and special terms for large or regular orders. our prices are cif.
since your enquiry does not specify the kind of goods nor the quantities you require, we are not able to give you details about the present availability of the goods. however, we can assure you that on receipt of confirmation, we normally require no more than two weeks before dispatch to destinations in this country.
we hope that you will find our terms satisfactory and we look forward to receiving your order.
yours faithfully, m arches
chapter five offers and counter-offers 1. translate the following letter into chinese: 参考译文: 尊敬的卡特先生
这些样式有下列颜色可供:41号为蓝色或绿色;53号为灰蓝或米 褐色;42号仅有红色;67号为黑白或蓝白。恐怕18号已无货可供。所有的花样价格都一样,如下:
50米以下—每米6美元 50-100米—每米5.50美元 100米以上—每米5美元
如果您想订货,为什么不尽快,并利用这一优惠呢? 如您需要任何更多信息请尽管和我联系。 您真诚的 martin stacey 销售经理
2. translate the following sentences into chinese:
1) 我们的哔叽所享有的国际声誉见证了其高质量。过去二十年以来
2) 我们认为您的价格有些出格。如果您可以在不牺牲整体产品外观
3) 尽管由于英镑兑换值下降、近来进口酒关税上升以及管理费用持
4) 我们的报价仅留有微薄的利润额,再削减价格的话会使我们几乎
3. fill in the blanks with the words given: