Painting Defects Inspection Note
1. 本须知用于指导现场工人以及检验员油漆检验过程中缺陷的判断。
This inspection note is the instruction for judging paint defect for painting worker and inspector.
2. 合格的油漆状况 Acceptable Painting status
Normally, the painting surface is to be bright, smooth, the DFT (Dry Film thickness) is to be uniform and no any non-painting surface. 如下图所示:See below photos
3. 油漆缺陷 Paint Defect
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During painting application, Some panting defects will be existed due to various reason, please see below description. a. 流挂 sagging
(1) 产生原因:油漆粘度低、喷涂距离太近、油漆太多
The causing reasons: low painting viscosity, spray gun too close painting surface, too much paint applied on painting surface one time.
(2) 处理方式:如果已经流挂,打磨到平滑的表面,重新喷漆。有时,用细砂纸湿打磨,再研磨、抛光。
Handle method: power tool abrasive or sandpaper for sagging surface until surface smooth , then re- paint. b. 针孔 pinhole
(1) 产生原因:针孔是涂层内非常小的孔,他们通常由多孔漆膜内滞留的空气或溶剂出现逃逸而引起。
The causing reason: paint applied on high temperature painting surface , solvent of coating internal flee from coating internal speediness, high speed volatilize of solvent penetrated coating.
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处理方式:针孔通常会在施工于它上面的任何涂层内重新形成, 因而要对针孔进行修补是很困难的。用砂纸打磨至裸露金属是唯一可以采用的解决方法。 Handle method: removal pinhole areas until substrate then re-coating.
c. 鱼眼/ 陷穴—Fish eye
(1) 产生原因 :它因涂层内滞留的空气形成气泡随后破裂, 留下弹坑而引起。 The causing reasons:
--Same as pinhole, paint applied on high temperature painting surface , solvent of coating internal flee from coating internal speediness, high speed volatilize of solvent penetrated coating.
---Painted on painting surface with oil point ---Rain (water) on wet paint surface
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(2) 处理方式:彻底清除缺陷区域的漆层,重新喷漆。必要时,可以在油漆中添加抗鱼眼剂。
Handle method: removal coating of fish eyes zone, suggest to chemical clean painting surface then re-coating
d. 起邹/桔皮Orange
(1) 产生原因:由于喷涂时流平不好,漆膜上出现象桔皮一样的麻点或粗糙的纹理。 The causing reasons:
photo1: too much painting spray on painting surface caused panting accumulations. Photo2: recoating on wet panting material ,finish coat dry speed is faster than premier , The generation of different stress result in orange peel.
Photo 1
(2) 处理方式:Handle method:
1,photo1:after hard dry removal orange surface by power too abrasive or sandpaper then recoating
2.photo2:after hardy dry removal orange surface by power tool abrasive or sandpaper then recoating
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e. 起泡---Bubble
(1) 产生原因:起泡是脱离底材的涂层漆膜突出,通常是圆顶形或弧形。基本原因是局部区域的附着力丧失。
The causing reason: pollutant on substrate before painting application (such as CHLORIDE, SULFIDE…..)
(2)处理方式:很多不同的原因会导致起泡的发生, 最常见的原因是清理后表面上留有某些污染物。在未测试起泡形成的原因前,不建议弄破起泡,因为它们仍能为表面提供良好的保护。 如果认为有必要对其进行修补, 唯一合理的做法是,清除起泡并清理该区域, 然后再替换涂层体系。 这首先必须是在找到起泡原因之后进行。
Handle method: open this bubble areas and chemical clean substrate, pollutant test for this areas if test result achieved painting manufacturer‘s request then surface preparation again and recoating.
(1) 涂层内的可见开裂,可以一直穿透至底材, 也可以在多道涂层体系内仅在单道涂层中出现。
The causing reason: coating thickness too much higher than manufacture ‘request thickness, the larger internal stress result cracking.
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(2)主要的产生原因与应力有关, 可以由底材的移动而引起, 也可能因时间的推移涂层内出现内部应力而产生。 化学固化涂料施工过厚很容易发生龟裂。一旦涂层出现龟裂或剥落,必须予以清除,处理底材,然后重新喷漆,最好采用柔韧性更好的涂料。 Handle method: removal cracking areas until substrate then re-coating g. 不连续、跳涂、漏涂--- Discontinuity, Lack of painting
The causing reason: poor painting technology form worker and poor spray equipment.
(2)在每道涂层喷涂施工前,应对底材上难以喷涂到的区域进行预涂作业 Handle method: 1.train for worker (theory and practice) 2. Repair painting equipment
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h. 片状剥落、分层 Spalling (1) 主要有几种原因:
• 指定了错误的表面处理,涂料施工表面上有污染物, 表面粗糙度不足. • 超过复涂间隔时间或将涂料施工在有光表面上
• 施工不相容涂料(例如,醇酸涂料施工在无机锌涂料上) The causing reason:
1. Painted on substrate without enough required roughness surface. 2. Recoating interval time lost
3. Different performance coating material mutual painted (such as Alkyd paint coated on zinc paint)
(2)修补取决于缺陷程度:对于小区域,清除、清理、拉斜边并替换。在较大的区域,涂层必须完全清除并替换;甚至包括一直到底材的整个涂层系统。 Handle method:
1. Removal defects coating then preparation substrate again achieved request roughness.
2.removal defects coating ,power tool abrasive primer surface to achieved enough roughness on primer surface then recoating(if owner agreed ,if owner doesn’t agree should remove total painting system then recoating) 3. Change the painting system for panting application
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